Convention Registration

Registration for the 2025 SUS Convention

Registration for SUS2025 is Full/Closed

Convention Registration

Registration for SUS 2025 is Full/Closed

If you were not able to get a ticket for the convention this year but would like to join us for one or both of the cruises, you can sign up here:  Cruise Signup

*Note: If you are planning to stay at the Westin Hotel during the conference you can book a room at special SUS2024 rates on or after July 1. Our room block reference code for discounts is SOB25JAN.

Convention Pricing

SUS2025 Convention Fee: $85

Add-On – Friday Tapas and Mingle: $30

Add-On – Saturday Evening Mexican Buffet with live Mariachi Music: $45

Add-On – Sunday Evening Sunset Cruise on Banderas Bay: $35

Add-On – Monday Whale Watching Cruise: $45

*Note: All Add-Ons are optional and ala carte. Pricing is in U.S. dollars

*All Hotel bookings, changes, and/or cancellations are handled directly with Westin hotel staff.

Hotel Registration

Confirm your Hotel Reservation at the beautiful Westin hotel at the SUS2024 preferred rates!!  If registering by phone, our block reference code for discounts is SOB25JAN – Register Online

Cruise Info and Signup

NOTE – if you are already registered for SUS2025 and would like to add one or both cruises to your registration please let us know.  Contact Us

If you are NOT attending the conference but would like to join us for one or both of the cruises, you can sign up here:  Cruise signup

For more details about our cruises including suggestions for what to bring and wear, please visit our info page:  Cruise Info

Can I bring friends and family who are not in the program?

Who wouldn’t want to go to beautiful Puerto Vallarta? Bringing your significant other, and/or friends who want to soak in the sun and enjoy a nice dinner or an ocean cruise? We have you covered!! There must be 1 convention attendee per each submitted registration but others are welcome to attend one or more of the social events. Please pay for these add-ons when you register. Each submitted registration needs to include one AA or Alanon member who is signing up for the conference itself. After that, your friends and adult family members can join for some or all of the social events, i.e. meals, cruises, etc.

Can I bring my non-adult children?

Sobriety Under The Sun is a convention intended for adult members of Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon. In order to keep costs as low as possible, we have not made provisions for attendance by children, and we respectfully request that you do not bring children into any events or venues. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

More questions?

Please check out our FAQ (frequently asked questions) page here. If the answer you are looking for is not there, please submit your question using the form provided on the FAQ page.

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